The Vanguard Academy, in partnership with the College 1st Program, embarked on an unforgettable and immersive experience at the Drones and Rovers CAMP early December 2017. Our team was fascinated upon learning that students at Vanguard Academy had unquestionably captivating, one-of-a-kind ideas, in regards to drone technology concepts, and impressive entrepreneurial skills.
"Student's designs where very creative, their presentations, right-on-point, and deciding which team project was the best was definitely a complex task", explained College 1st instructor, Kimberly Chacon, student at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, currently pursuing a major in Business Marketing.
From Pizza-Delivery drones for the Market Industry, to Automatic-Fish-Identity drones for Scientific/Biological studies, these students are already shaping their future for success through an envisioned pathway to college. "This CAMP inspired me to be a scientist because of all the new technology... like rovers, VR, and drones. So I would like to work with something like that in the future", mentioned Vanguard Academy student, Tony Zamudio.
Check out the Vanguard Academy - College 1st Program - Drones and Rovers CAMP video below.
This Drones and Rovers CAMP was hosted in partnership with Vanguard Academy. It features just a glimpse of the CAMP experience. The College 1st Team strives to provide Vanguard Academy Students the best college and career success experience by engaging them in academic-enrichment activities and mentorship opportunities. We work with these students in designing their future and linking the existing school resources and programs of study with their high school, college and future career plans. This work is only possible with the strong partnership established with the Vanguard Academy Administration. We are very grateful for this opportunity and look forward to continue working with these students and their parents.